Trittligasse 2
CH-8001 Zürich
Telefon: +41 78 604 37 40
For an appointment please contact me at any time over my phone number
For this, do not use the email address
Thank You
Your questions my answers
Know thyself.
Ask me a question, and I show you the answer which is waiting within yourself. A lot of things have to be recognised first, before they evolve and can be converted into a successful result.
Success is not always gain, but rather understanding, realising, accepting.
Various questions arise from your innermost. They concern your own personality, or your private and job-related environment. If there is a balance, it would not only stabilise yourself, but also your surrounding. To achieve this, the only thing you need is yourself and the awareness of yourself.
If you have an open mind about me, you will become also aware of your subconsciousness.
For the future your independence is my condition and my goal.
Your age, education and profession are not relevant, neither whether your are handicapped. Important is your openness for my very direct and natural method of operation and my strong personality, which is unique like yours.
You can not imagine what is meant? Contact me and realise, whether I am able to show you what you are searching for.
Here some examples of questions I have been asked again and again:
. what I am doing here on earth
. why always me
. will I manage
. may I ask something that I did not dare to ask someone before
. are there things which nobody addresses
. my personal guardian spirit(s)
. my personal angel(s)
. how do I find a way out of my life crisis
. my business has been bad, what can I do better
. which employee fits for my business
. which property is the right one for me
. I do not progress in my job, what can I do
. is she/he the right one for me
. I lose the contact to my child/my parents
. anxieties
. sexuality
. spirituality
. how can I escape from my loneliness/dependence
. .......
Your question is awaiting an answer.
It is important to know that we all on this earth are connected and that life will answer all asked and unasked questions, by me, by other people or by the unexpected.
Thank You